5 Sleeping Tips While Travelling By Car

A road trip can be a cheap adventure you opt for if you don’t like spending much money. It is also a great option if you live in a country where the roads are maintained properly, and many interesting things are accessible. If you plan on a road trip with a tight budget, staying in a hotel should be out of your budget list as you may have to spend hundreds of dollars just for a night. You may have had cheaper options such as staying in a hostel or campsite, but if free is what you are looking for, then sleeping in your car can be the best option. 

5 Tips to sleep safely and comfortably in your car during a road trip

By sleeping in your car during a road trip, you can save money to buy diesel or gasoline, buy tickets to cultural events, and try some tasty local delights. So here are 5 tips to sleep in a car safely and comfortably during your road trip:

Pack the essentials

Pack the sleeping essentials, such as a wool blanket, sleeping bag, comfortable clothes, and sleeping kits (if needed). Aside from packing sleeping essentials, make sure that you pack other essentials such as food, mineral water, camping cutlery, a towel, a small tool kit, a wool hat, gloves, a headlamp, a pocket knife, and a lighter. 

Keep everything organized

Remember that your car is the only place to keep your belongings. You will have lots of things in it on a road trip. It can get messy so easily so make sure that you keep everything organized throughout the trip. You don’t want to spend hours looking for a pair of socks or a water bottle. 

Find a safe place to park

You want to sleep well so make sure to find a safe place to park for the night. Don’t try to park in a place with a clear sign that you’re not allowed to be there. Some of safe spots to park your car are department stores, religious buildings, Trucker’s pull off, and residential neighborhoods. 

Keep your privacy

You don’t want to wake up to someone peeking to your window. Hence, keep your privacy by closing all the windows and cover them with fabrics or something. You can also pull your belongings to the side close to the doors so you fill up the center and create the illusion to the outsiders that your car is fully packed. 

Create ventilation

Sleeping in a car with tightly closed window is dangerous. Hence, make sure that you create ventilation by opening the sunroof halfway and wedging the screen around the opening. Or, you can also put a little gap to the windows so they are not tightly closed but still have a ventilation to let the air flow in and out. Then, get yourself comfortable before sleeping even with limited space and resources