How To Stay Safe During Your Visit To Lima, Peru

Lima is one of the greatest cities in Peru. This big city is relatively safe to visit but still contains dangers due to its large population. Peru itself is a peaceful country where you learn more about the Inca civilizations. The remains of the past are still there in Peru for you to see and learn. Therefore, Peru is a country worth travelling for. However, safety is not something to negotiate especially during travel. You have to keep yourself safe when travelling abroad. As for Lima, it is a safe city to explore but you may still need some precautions to make sure you are going to stay safe throughout your trip. 

How To Stay Safe During Your Visit To Lima, Peru

Staying safe when you are in Lima, Peru

There are many things to see when you visit Peru such as beautiful beaches, exotic sand dunes, hiking trails, museums filled with mummies, ruins of the Inca civilizations, and the Amazon. Those are only a few of things travelers can see during their travel to Peru. As for Lima, you can see beautiful colonial architecture blended together with modern culture perfectly. And here are tips to keep you safe during your stay in Lima, Peru.

Always secure your bag especially backpack

Lima is the largest city in Peru so the population is a bit more crowded. It is highly possible for you to get stuck in a crowded place. It is an opportunity for thief to steal from you. Therefore, secure your bag well. If you wear backpack, it is better to wear it at front so you keep your eyes on your belonging. 

Limit phone usage in public

It is highly suggested to limit your phone especially when you are in a rather crowded area in Lima. If you keep your eyes glued to the phone all the time, you will become less aware of your surroundings. You will be more vulnerable to dangers and threats. Besides, your phone can attract thieves to take into action. If you are in crowded places, put your phone in your bag you wear in front. You can check your phone later when you are in a safer place such as café or restaurant. 

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Transportation is also important to consider

In Lima, you can find variety of transports to choose such as buses, taxis, and Uber. If you don’t want to deal with the crowd, you can avoid taking bus and call for Uber instead. It is safe and relatively affordable. The price is not that difference than what taxis usually charge. If you take taxis, make sure to choose the registered ones. 

Prepare your guards against cat calls

How To Stay Safe During Your Visit To Lima, Peru

Lima is big city so cat calls and offensives comments sometimes are inevitable especially directed to female travelers. It is best to keep walking if you experience those. Try to hold yourself back as to not say something back to them. Ignoring the comments is the best to ensure your safety especially in a place you are not familiar with. Walking around the city with partners might help but the possibility of receiving those comments is still high when it comes to Lima.