Tips to Organize Alumni Trip

It is common to have an alumni trip where alumni members of schools or universities go travelling to particular place and reminiscing the past in fun way. Alumni trip is also a good event where people can build connection and create networking because everyone has different life after graduation. People organize alumni trip with various purpose. There is alumni trip specified to volunteer, to gain new skill, or to have fun to the fullest. With different purpose comes different approach in organizing it. if you are pointed as the organizer, might as well start planning the trip so everything can go smoothly. 

Organizing alumni trip properly

Organizing a trip is not as stressful as one thought. It can be a great experience because you are able to learn many things in organizing event. Alumni trip is a big deal especially if the participant is in large numbers. You need to make sure everything is sufficient and efficient. Here are some tips to organize an alumni trip:

First thing first, you need to find out what kind of trip that you want to have. If volunteering is your purpose, you need more works to get done because you need to do some research of the places including how the volunteering will be done later. You may need every participant opinion to choose the theme of the trip. You can conduct a poll to decide the type of trip you want to plan. 

Find out more about the travel insurance. If you think it is necessary to insure the alumni trip with travel insurance, you need to contact the provider to get detailed information. You need to choose the right coverage that fit your as well as the group need. That’s why planning an alumni trip cannot be done in a day or two. You need to plan it at least one or two months ahead. 

Decide the destination that fits the purpose and theme of the trip. You can choose a place abroad or local, depending on what the participants want. The research is important so you know the risks of the trip. The safety and health should be in top priority. You don’t want to have an alumni trip to a place where you and the others have to fight malaria or deal with terrorism risk. 

Plan for emergency situation that is possible to happen. Organizing an alumni trip means you need to work extra and attentive in calculating the risk and evacuation plan. You need to plan the solution for emergency situation that may happen during the trip such as medical cost, transportation, etc. 

Make sure to book everything ahead including accommodation, restaurants, etc. Of course, you also need to book the venue where all alumni will gather around during the trip. You need to choose the place with sufficient space to accommodate all participants. Don’t forget to organize surprise events for the trip so it can lift up the spirit of every participant. Plan it with joy and attentiveness then the trip will go smoothly.